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N. virens

Having Real Experts For Polychaetes Farming

Delta Farm’s founder started research of Nereis virens in 1983. Starting with a 500m2 pond we have grown, through trial and error, to our current 20 hectare state of the art farming facility. Our growth and continuous innovation has made our company a strong and reliable supplier of marine proteine for the aquaculture industry worldwide.  

Since we started supplying the shrimp world in 2000 we have made quality our #1 priority. Focusing on SPF (Specific Pathogen Free), live delivery worldwide and tailor made customer specific solutions. We are driven to excel in every step of the process; breeding, harvesting and delivery to your farm.

What we do!

Because Nothing Grows Faster Than Fish

We support cutting-edge science and research as well as federal policy making and regulation to grow sustainable aquaculture.

Commercial Aquaculture Farm

Cultivation of freshprawn farm

The classic fry farming aqualack

Giant fishes farming supplies

Water & plants filtration systems

How It Works!

Fishing Different Stages

We elaborate different technique & developed strategies frequently to get the best results for our aquaculture clients.

Design depends on the type of species to be rear
Fish farming is quite expensive investment quickly
Fish need to feed growing healthy & rapidly faster
This is done using either a net or draining away water